Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Baby is 11

Our baby is now 11, can't believe James is getting that old. Unfortunately Rob was in Kenya for his birthday, so we had a quiet little opening ceremony in the morning. You can see him here opening his presents (in my bed!!) He was very chuffed with his Ipod, and I managed to find the game boggle, which we used to play as kids, but I have not been able to find - should help him with his spelling. Even Mickey had to get in on the action.

On his birthday we had to take Gran and Nana to the airport, both of them flew out to England and from there went their separate ways. We all went with and Gran kindly treated us to dinner at the airport. So in one day, my major support system flew out the window [or should I say to England].

Rob and Chris spent one weekend building a kite, it was a technology project for Chris, so off they went to the hardware store to get what they needed and voila, a kite from some dial sticks and a shower curtain. Chris had to take it to school and test it to see if it flew, but the weather has been so wet and cold they have not yet done it.

Life has been incredibly hectic with Rob away, my jobs and the kids and just life in general. I mean here we are on the downhill slide to Christmas again. Before I know it, its going to be Christopher's birthday and Rob going overseas with his dad (lucky sod!) Yes I know, kids and I get to stay home, but its OK, will cash in some other time.

Our new office has been set up in Tokai, so every morning is rushing off there to do work, which I love, but leaves no time for other personal stuff, so as a result normally land up shopping at 6.30pm at convenience stores that charge twice as much as a normal store, kind of starting to wonder if its a bit of false economy me working?

The kids are as always great, the step up to the plate to help me where they can and have matured so much.

Both a busy studying for exams, Chris finishes this week and James only starts after that. Chris looks at what James has to learn and can't believe its soooooooooooo easy, if only he thought that when he was in grade 5.

The kids get their pocket money and James has been saving his and finally went out and bought himself some lego of which he is very proud.

I had to include this photo, one of my mad friends Lynn, has build her dogs a kennel, but its an exact replica of her house FOR THE DOGS!!! Granted she does have 7 dogs and no kids.

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