Monday, June 22, 2009


Well our Daddy had to fly to Nigeria at 9am, after coming in from patrolling at 2.30am. But we still managed to give him his gift, even though he was half asleep.
Once Rob had left, I went through to feed the cats and there was the most awful smell coming from the laundry room. There were his shoes . . . and then it dawned on me.

Our esteemed Mr Muller who had been out patrolling the night before, had regaled us with his tales of assisting with arrests and climbing under fences and through fields near a local squatter camp. Well clearly he brought home more than memories of that night, cause what was on the bottom of his shoe, was not from an animal [ eeuuuuwww]

But on a less smelly note, we took my dad out for tea at Ingrid's house. As soon as he got there, he saw the cakes for tea and tucked in whilst sitting around the divine fire. He has a bit of an infection that has come out through his cheek, so has this big bulky plaster on.What was really nice is my mother [who is currently in the UK] phoned and spoke to my father, who proceeded to tell her about some guy in khaki sitting in the corner and about toothpaste. One good thing, was he compared his home to a 3 or 4 star hotel.

Speaking to my mother was really nice, she seems to be having a ball with her friends, and its a well deserved break for her.

Can't wait for this week to be over, then its school holidays. James is busy with his Exams, although if you ask him, there is nothing to worry about, he feels he knows all the work. NOT!!!!!!! So needless to say we have huge arguments each night about going to study.

Shame, both the boys are sick as well. James has the most awful cough, but [sorry for you James] he has to go to school for the exams.

Chris on the other hand is man down. Fortunately he has finished his exams, but last night about 3am he woke up with the most excruciating headache which he has been fending off all day with adult pain killers. Just one of those things he is going to have to work through, but I know he's really sick as he slept the entire day today, no TV.

Right, updates done, off to do my other job Miracle Kids where we are desperate trying to secure them a provincial government house, but all that for another post.

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