Well those of you that follow this blog will know about our darling Mickey that arrived as a girl, then went to the vet where we were informed that she was in fact a he. You will also know that he disappeared last week, well he went again on Sunday night - when we woke up he was gone again.
This time however we were extremely fortunate again in that one of the neighbours a road away from us, saved him from being attacked by a dog and happened to show him to a friend of ours who said that he might belong to us, she then knocked on our door and he was returned again.
Gran and I felt we couldn't do this kind of stress on a regular basis and decided that it was time to snip the balls off, so we phoned the vet and booked him for this morning 8am. On our way to dropping the kids off, with Mickey in the new cage bought for him by Gran, he was meowing quite a lot, at which stage James piped up with "stop moaning we gave you last night to enjoy your balls" jeez he is so his father's child.
Anyways, we get him to the vet and were quoted R265 to have him neutered and were told that he was first in, so would be first out at about lunch time. So we left him there and I went to work.
Finally got to go and check on him when I finished work only to be told that the account wasn't R265, but in fact R609 as they had to spay HER, yes, you read correctly, Mickey has gone again from a male, back to a female . . .
We have decided to keep her name as Mickey since she responds to it, but it has taken us till now to get used to calling her a him to now only have to revert to calling him a her. Hopefully now the wondering will stop.
The kids of course think all of this is hysterical.
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