Saturday, October 25, 2008

Christopher's Grade 7 farewell

so difficult to believe that Chris is in his final year of junior school.

Last night was his Grade 7 farewell dance where parents and children attend. Wow what an evening, the theme was "a night with the stars" and hall and stage were decorated for the oscars.
The kids looked incredible, thank goodness we have boys, looking at those girls and how mature they looked, I would lock up my daughter till she was ready to get married. The make-up, dresses (and let me tell you some of them were realllllllllllly short and revealing) were a real eye opener.

A while ago I posted this picture of the look that Chris was looking to achieve for the dance. I think he did pretty well in achieving the look.

A very nice touch for the evening was a little card the kids put together with a photo of our child and the following message.

I can't repay the lessons that you taught when I was small

Or give you gift for gift the daily treasures I recall

But there is one gift that I can give it's all the love you've earned

For love is what you've always taught and love is what I've learned.

The evening went on till about 12h30, he kids had an absolute ball as they had a dj that got the party going and kept it going, they were all on the dance floor most of the evening, in fact at the end it was Chris (the first time we saw him all evening) that came to us, plonked down and said his legs were sore. He was dancing like to a crazy thing all evening.

It was a great evening and the kids are all on facebook now loading the pictures for everyone to see.

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