Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Crazy week

To start our crazy week, James was off school for 3 days since he got pink eye in one eye, which of course managed to transfer to the other eye as well, so 'pink eyes' was walking around quite chuffed with himself that he was legally off school. But he did spend this time productively beading christmas presents, of course he wanted to keep going back to the bead shop to get more beads once he got going, is now scheming about how he can make money out of it.

As for Mickey he managed to go walk abouts twice this week. The first time our neighbour phoned me at about 6.50am to tell me she picked her up about 3 roads away thank goodness. Now the most recent, she dissappeared on Sat morning and after numerous phone calls to vets, SPCA and walking around calling her, we got a call from one of the vets to say she had been handed in. So Rob rushed off to fetch her and she is safety back, and the little cow is quite happy, showing no remorse, completely oblivious to the trauma she causes all of us. One good thing is that we have now replaced the faulty cat flap so we can physically lock her in at night.
This of course is all too late for Jess who we suspect is pregnant. To be quite honest we are not worried by this as we would love to experience a litter of kittens, so lets watch this space to see who the daddy is?.

Saturday morning we spent organising an outfit for Christopher's farewell dance at school on Friday. He wanted to wear a sleeveless jacket (i.e. a waistcoat), black pants and white shirt. Managed to hire everything (about R40 per item) but they did not have a shirt in his size, so after walking the shops flat, managed to locate one one in Fish Hoek that we had to go and buy. The things we do for our kids!!! but I have to admit it does look stunning on him - like I said before, don't know where his body comes from if I had not given birth to him, I would seriously have to wonder who the parent were?

Yesterday afternoon we had a lovely time drinking champaign and snacks on the forecourt of Brian's engen garage, yes you read right, the forecourt, but it was to celebrate the beginnings of our new business and progress being made with the building work.

Last night we had a nice relaxing evening with Steve and Kerry who we have not seen for a while. I will never forget when we first had our children we would go around to their place (they didn't have kids at that stage) and everything was always pristine, with clear surfaces and lots of little knicknacks all over the place (a complete nightmare for parents with kids), so it gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling when we walk into their house now and the dining room table and the corner of the lounge look like this . . .

and all the knicknacks are packed away - welcome to the world of parenting (hee hee). Jay and James played beautifully, with James in his element building lego toys for Jay

This afternoon the family are just vegging out, the boys playing rugby on the playstation and Bob taking some well deserved rest with Mickey, who when he does dein to sit on your lap, doesn't just sit on your lap, but is like a child and has to literally sit up your nostril. Me as usual I am stuck to my pc, blogging and updating my swimming schedule which just scares me, since i only have 3 spaces left before I am choc full!!!!!!

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