I can't believe I have not even had time to update my blog site things have been so hectic, to the point where I feel that I am starting to loose control and as a friend of our Paul said 'stop the world I need to get off' we are all just spinning out of control.
but on a more positive note. . .
Just have a look at this sleeping beauty, this week with Rob having been in Kenya, James has taken up residence in his spot, I personally thinks its his way of going HA!! to Chris since he has to go to bed earlier.
At the beginning of this week James was caught riding his bicycle in the school grounds and had his bike confiscated for 10 days, needless to say I was not impressed and demanded they get the bike back from school, as the security guard has no right to keep his bike at school. Well by today Thursday there was still no bike, in fact James missed school swimming since he had no bike to ride back to school with. So off I went stomping into school, ready to fight, found the security guard who gave me a bit of attitude, but when I went stomping off towards the principals office, he was suddenly all so friendly and then I was told, no, that the bike was only confiscated until the end of the day and that James should have come to the office and collected it the same day. So we left with the bike and everyone is happy.
Speaking of swimming, Chris and James did time trials at school this week they both did very well and Christopher apparently swam like a superstar (according to other mothers that have come to me to tell me). he won all his races except for butterfly, when he came home with his times, we asked Michelle (whose now overseas) how they compared and it appears they are pretty damn good. Imagine how far he could go if he actually trained. For some reason Chris has suddenly come into himself and his body. Even his waterpolo coach questioned him as to whether he goes to gym and said he must not do weight training if he does, based on his existing build. He told him he must rather stretch, stretch, stretch, otherwise he is going to encounter sport injuries as he gets hold since his is tightly strung with muscles. This is Chris throwing the ball during practice today.

Chris is currently on the phone with his girlfriend, giving a whole new meaning to the word cordless phone. They spend about an hour and half on the phone, she phones him and then he phones where WHAT ON EARTH COULD THEY POSSIBLY TALK ABOUT FOR THAT LONG? Oh my gosh I sound like my mother, that what she used to say when I was talking on the phone for ages.

This week the house is once again a huge tip as the contractors came in to redo our wooden floors. More than a year and half ago, Chris flooded the bathroom and insurance have taken this long to resolve the issue.
They phoned me on Monday to say they would be here on Wed, so we urgently had to clear all the furniture out of the house and are now living in the TV Room, Kitchen and our bedroom - hm mm even the spiders have moved out. Needless to say its a bit of a squish everywhere.
As for our pregnant mommy, look like her and her babies are doing well. Now lets see if I can upload this post since my ADSL is not working, so am relying on good old Nokia phone to do it for me.