Tuesday, January 6, 2009

yay we've finished painting

Well almost finished painting, we've done the lounge, dining room and passage and that has taken us 2 days, just the TV room and kitchen left to do. The weather here has been absolutely stinking hot making it that much more of a challenge - of course the kids, did what kids do and avoided all possible work, only getting involved when we asked them to.
After the painting, Rob jumped into a bath (mostly to ease the aching muscles) and was promptly accosted by all the cats - and as my family know me, I couldn't resist the photo op.
We went off the other night to the waterfront to have a farewell dinner with Kerry and her Mom. I can't even remember the last time we were there. It was a beautiful evening and we sat outside at the Greek Fisherman which was lovely. Initially the idea was that the kids were going to eat with us, but when we got to the waterfront there was a funfair running and we didn't see the kids for dust. They took our money and ran - bought their own food and entertained themselves for the evening. But it reminded me again of how beautiful our city is, living here all the time I just take it for granted, the mountain and sea are just stunning.

At new years, a friend of ours Tony, started telling us about an old Zulu tradition about the moon and how the zulu warriors could tell if it was going to rain, he said that if the moon was in a crescent shape that was tilting, this symbolised a bowl/saucer that was pouring the rain out (i.e it was going to rain) - of course gullible me believed him and they all had a good laugh at me, but of course I now can't look at the moon in the same way.
Had to go and spend more money, this time on Christopher's uniform for high school - SCARY!!!! In fact I am starting to hit a bit of a wobbly, knowing that Rob is leaving on Sunday and worrying about how I am going to cope with Rob away, and Chris in high school and James at a different school - got to organise lifts or have them walk home alone, extra murals are now going to be at different times and venues etc etc. its been so wonderful having him home to make all the decisions and deal with all the problems, so much so that I woke up at 4.30am this morning worry about all the things to be done, including getting myself ready for swimming. It is a horrible feeling for me as I am normally so in control, but I think the thought of last year with him away that was so difficult, is about to start again, is what has got me going.
Will just have to try and drawn my 'calmness from our cute kitties'

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