So can you believe that the world cup is next year . . .its unreal to think another year has flown by.
Rob and I went off to a new years party at Lynn's home. Chris went to Gill and her family for their new years party and James spent the evening with Nana and Oupa feasting and watching videos.
The party last night was great, Lynn has introduced us to her mad friends from Germany, Bianca and her mother Hannah. Well we had an absolute ball last night, with much drinking and eating and dancing going on. We had a lovely spit braai prepared by Lynn, Hilary and Tony.

My good friend Brian won the prize for best party trick, if you look closely he is sucking his thumb - not Lynn's toes, this after he seductively poured brandy and coke over her feet.

As for Tony, he spent a lot of time undercover retrieving lost Chivas Regal from his wife Hilary . . .

Rob and Tony decided they had to get the last swim of the year under their belts before midnight, the only problem was that Lynn had filled her pool to the maximum and Tony and Rob's entry into the pool resulted in a large amount of water flooding out the pool. Rob of course went in 'starkers'

Tigger continues to grow day by day. We have been trying to get him interested in kitten food, but he just snubs his nose at it, Jess is a much better option as far as he is concerned. I even took his nose and rubbed it in the food, but he just licked his lips and walked off.

It was so sweet we have a scratch stand that normally stands in Gran's flat, but have brought through to us whilst she is way - anyways, Jess loves to lie on it in the sun, so Tigger not be done out of his dinner wormed his way up their and balanced on it with her.

Today Rob went off to get the family Christmas present (somehow I think its more his present though - old gadget boy) and so before it could be mounted we had to paint the wall in the TV room. and he now busy installing it. I am sure the rest of the day will be spent playing Wii and vegging in front of the TV. The existing TV will be moving to Jhb with Rob when he drives the Yaris up.

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