Monday, November 22, 2010

Sick Kitty

Whilst we were away for the weekend the kids called us to say that Titch our one cat was not well. When we got home he was soooooo thin and weak, we phoned the vet who said it sounded like cystitis and that we should bring him in the following morning.

Fortunately it's treatable, so after a job and some antibiotics to give him for the week, we went home.

Giving the tables was easier said than done as he fought us tooth and nail. He also wasn't drinking so I had to use a syringe and squirt the water down his throat. It's a week now since he was so sick and he is only now getting better, still very very thin though.

Needless to say Rob has used this as an excuse to feed Titch tuna meat - shame he needs to pick up his weight.

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