Chris and James had to help decorate, putting up lights, putting out the favours and serviettes etc.
We had 20 people in all and had a great evening, the food was absolutely fantastic and poor Dawn roasted about 70 potatoes.
This year each person had to buy a gift to the value of R50 which was put under the tree and we then played a game where you drew a number and picked a present, the problem being that the next person to draw a present could, if they liked your present, simply take yours.
The only theiving that went on was between Chris and Gill and Grandpa, to see who could secure the biggest box of chocolates.
It was sad that this year my father didn't join us, but it would simply have been too much for him, so he came around with my Mom on Christmas Day, with Nicky as well.
James spent most of Christmas day building his lego that he received, he ABSOLUTELY loved the 3 in 1 lego set he received from John and Sandy.
Gill and Morten chuckling about something . . .
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