We certainly can pick them, we went away to Betty's Bay this weekend with the safe house kids, Frances and her kids and ourselves. Well any of you that are parents will know what a challenge that was. The first challenge was getting all the luggage into the house and finding somewhere to store it.
The first night we arrived, we spent a fair amount of time changing dirty nappies, running baths and generally unpacking.
Frances ran the bath for the little ones, but Liah one of the smallest, decided the bubbles in the bath were not enough and added some toilet paper, which we only noticed when the kids got into the bath . . .
During the bath routine, Frances and Elsie attempted to catch the mice that were resident in the bedroom I happened to be sleeping in. They managed to catch 5 mice (including the babies that were in the nest in the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers). Well needless to say I didn't get very much sleep as there was still at least one running around, so if you can picture the scene in the middle of the night, there I was sleeping with one eye open and when I heard the mouse, grabbed a blanked and swatted around the bed, just in case it decided to walk over us YUK YUK YUK.
Ingrid drove down and joined us for Saturday night, she too was not afraid of the mouse and dove into the cupboard where he was hiding to try and catch him, to no avail. Between Sarah, Chris and Ingrid they put down rat poison in the roof, as the next night it certainly wasn't a mouse scuttling around the roof (far too large).
The first night the mouse managed to escape out of the room, well I was crying I was laughing so much. Christopher, who had been standing in passage watching the goings on, saw the mouse come out and literally flew down the passage and lept up onto the kitchen counter (my big macho man - NOT!!!!!). He did redeem himself thought by making an awsome braai for us one evening.
Aside from the night time activities, we had the most glorious weather and went to the beach with the kids, where they all had an absolutely ball.
Elsie and the kids certainly seem to have enjoyed their weekend away. I had to return to town for a meeting, but Frances, Elsie and kids stayed on to clean up and will be motoring back later.
I also have to say how PROUD I am as a parent of my boys, they are such good children and seeing them help and interact with the kids, brings tears to my eyes.
Its always soooooooooooo nice to get away, its just the logistics of getting away when life is so hectic.
I got an sms from Rob who is in Bangladesh, he says sms's only this week, as its about R25 per minute to phone. He seems impressed with Bangladesh, particularly about how cheap things are, says he got peri peri chicken and chips and 2 x sprite in a restaurant for R21.00 - can you imagine?
He says he's battling with the time different thought, i.e. when its 4pm here, its 9pm there. He is going to suffer this weekend when he comes home, lots of sleeping will need to be done.
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