Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

This year, Christmas eve was at our house. Ingrid was in charge of the tables and Rob the food. The theme was silver and 'Tiffany' Blue, with lots of fairy lights, it all looked beautiful.

Chris and James had to help decorate, putting up lights, putting out the favours and serviettes etc.
We had 20 people in all and had a great evening, the food was absolutely fantastic and poor Dawn roasted about 70 potatoes.

This year each person had to buy a gift to the value of R50 which was put under the tree and we then played a game where you drew a number and picked a present, the problem being that the next person to draw a present could, if they liked your present, simply take yours.

The only theiving that went on was between Chris and Gill and Grandpa, to see who could secure the biggest box of chocolates.

It was sad that this year my father didn't join us, but it would simply have been too much for him, so he came around with my Mom on Christmas Day, with Nicky as well.
James spent most of Christmas day building his lego that he received, he ABSOLUTELY loved the 3 in 1 lego set he received from John and Sandy.

Gill and Morten chuckling about something . . .

Chris and Rob removing all the paper from boards they got from Granny and Grandpa, that apparently give you the same sensation as surfing, snow boarding etc.

Gran and her daughter (Rob's mom) Dawn.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sarah's First Holy Communion

James and I attended the Catholic Church for Sarah's First Holy Communion. It was my first time being inside a Catholic Church (that I can remember) and must say I felt a bit out of my depth when everyone around us started reciting things to the minister / father and we had no idea what was going on.

The incense that was burning was also very strong and caused a lot of coughing around the church, but aside from all that, Sarah looked lovely.

Scamp! Our latest addition

So there I am innocently minding my own business when a friend of our Tracy phones to tell us about a little border collie puppy that someone has rescued from a farmer who was going to drown it, but that they can't keep it as their Jack Russell dog is trying to kill it.

So off Rob and I go to have a look and 15 minutes later we are home with our new addition. Of course Splash just growls, Kelly is oblivious and most of the cats just run for the hills, all except of course Mickey, who now has a new playmate, check out the video below.

the first night, Rob's all, ' oh no, its got to sleep in the kitchen' so we barricade the kitchen closed, well that lasted about 5 minutes before she jumped over and charged down the passage to James who was in our bedroom on a mattress on the floor. (Reason for this is we had Granny and Grandpa staying with us for Christmas). Needless to say that was the end of that idea and now she sleeps wherever her fancy takes her.

Splash has also started warming up to the idea of her.

Weekend Away at Bettty's Bay

December 2009

Chris and a whole bunch of his friends went away with us to Betty's Bay on break-up day. It was quite an experience being away with 6 x 14 year olds for the weekend. But they were all very well behaved and polite and a pleasure to be with. Nana and I were pretty much barricaded into the bedroom as they took over the remainder of the house. James got a bit bored though. Nana then left on the Sunday morning to go back to town to see 'CATS' the show, whilst Rob drove down from Jhb and arrived the same Sunday afternoon.

We all had a great weekend, with swimming in the lagoon, braaing, walking, the beach, the botanical gardens and Chris driving Nana's car around. It was quite a freaky feeling driving behind him, thinking that's my baby driving that car.
The only place they didn't get to go were the penguins and the sand dunes, oh well, next time.

Chubby Bunny anyone?

This is where they spent a lot of their time, lazing around in the lounge, reading, playing poker and other games.


Friday, December 11, 2009


Last week I got a call from James's teacher to say that I must make sure to attend school prize giving as James is getting a prize. That was it, no indication as to what the prize was.

With Rob being away, I dragged Gran and Nana along with me. We sat through the prize giving, waiting to see what he would be getting.

Towards the end of the prize giving, they came out with a prize for the top femal swimming,

so I thought, OK, this is it, he is going to get the top boy swimming, but no, they then went on to the FINAL prize of the day.

For the most improved student in Grade 5 - JAMES MULLER.

Those of you that know me, will know that I was crying whilst he was going up to get it.

We are SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of him. Well done James!

Reports are due today, but Chris has also done so well this term having made dramatic improvements in his marks. Well Done Chris!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our little Pussy Cat Was Sooooooo Sick

Poor old Jess, came into the bathroom and politely threw up her dinner all over the floor, now that has happened occasionally before, but that night she continued to get sick all night. She hid under Chris's bed and called out in pain all through the night - needless to say I didn't get much sleep as I kept getting up to check on her.

Took her to the vet the following morning and he said she must have eaten something that got stuck in her throat, so after various jabs I took her home again, and asked Gran if she would keep an eye over her.

Well needless to say, Jess was given a seat of honour on the couch and food and drinks provided, but sadly for over 2 days and nights, she quite literally did not move, she was so weak she could not even lift her head off the couch, nor support her own body weight whilst lying there.

Gran was the head nurse and every couple of hours gave her water with a t-spoon so she didn't de-hydrate.

Thank goodness yesterday she managed to perk up slightly and is now back to 100%.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Party Party Party

[click on the picture to enlarge]

Rob continues to amaze me, even after 17 years of marraige this month. We were invited to a Halloween party last night and the invite had strict instruction - no fancy dress, no entry.

Now you need to understand that Rob is the one who always goes 'Nah, I couldn't be bothered'. . .

Well Rob went to town and this is the result, right down to the fake nails he (or should I say I) put on. He looked great, and I think its only the 2nd time I have ever seen him dress up.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Boys will Be Boys

so there we were Cindy and I sitting inside working on a proposal, when we decided to take a break and get some fresh air, as we opened the front door and walked out, we were greeted with a body flying off the roof.

To our horror James and her son Warick had positioned the trampoline in front of the pool room doors and taken matress and themselves up onto the roof and created their own jumping game.

All the while videoing each other whilst doing it.

Have a look at this. . . Much as I was horrified, I had a good chuckle at the vidoes. I have only loaded the one, but trust me there were plenty of variations.

The one was shot with Warick under the trampoline and James jumping down on top of him - GOLDEN RULE BROKEN - no one under the trampoline.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Photo Shoot

It was so cool, Ingrid won a competition and we all went for a photo shoot at the New Age Portrait studios.

Although the shoot was for free, we spent lots of money afterwards buying photo's the worst culprit was Rob, I told him I was getting him one for his birthday, well R2500 + later when he said am I paying - the answer was very clearly NOT!!

But we all had a ball - something I can highly recommend. The cost of the shoot itself is only R200, its buying the photo's later which is where the costs come in.

It was Morten's idea to wear the jeans and white t-shirts - as he said, these are classic and we won't grow tired of them.

visit their website on and book yourself a session, its really worthwhile.

My beautiful Mom, Nicky and the boys

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We had a wonderful time at a photo shoot - with Ingrid, my mom, brother and the kids. We went to a company called they did some beautiful shots that I will post.

This is a stunning one of the boys in standard poses, Chris with undies sticking out and James with pants that are too long for him.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Money Used On Cars - Not Kids

As reported on

This kind of thing drives me completely 'dilley' How is it we allow these people get away with this - as a general public we are completely powerless, unless we start 'toy toying' like some of our country folk do - at least it makes the news then and doesn't just get swept under the carpet.

But as usual us tax payers just bend over and let them shove another one to us . . .

'Money used on cars, not kids'

Bloemfontein - A decision to cancel school transport routes, mostly for pupils in rural Free State areas, was heavily criticised by the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (Fedsas) on Thursday.

Chief executive officer of Fedsas, Paul Colditz, said the body might consider going to court to ensure that the Free State education department made enough immediate transport available to pupils.

Colditz said new reports indicating that thousands of pupils near Bloemfontein would be left without school transport by the end of the month was nothing new.

"This is not a new problem. Fedsas has repeatedly sent media releases to bring this problem to the public's attention and similar transport problems affect almost the entire Free State."

Kids not in school for months

Colditz said there were children who had not been to school for months because they could not get there.

"At Oranjekrag in the Eastern Free State more than 90 learners have not been to school due to the provincial education department's decision to cancel transport routes or by not awarding transport tenders," he said in a statement.

Colditz said the body's national board had decided that the transport situation in the province could not continue as it was.

He said the board unanimously condemned the provincial education department's unilateral handling of this issue.

R11m for luxury cars

Colditz said Fedsas in the past voiced its disgust with the fact that the Free State's provincial government was prepared to spend some R11m on luxury vehicles for MECs, but primary school pupils had to walk vast distances to their schools.

The governing body said children had a constitutional right to basic education, but they could not lay claim to this right due to ill-considered decision by adults.

Colditz said Fedsas had already asked for answers from the Free State education department with the view of "testing it through the courts".

A spokesperson for the provincial education department, Solly Magalefa, confirmed that transport routes would be terminated by the end of the month.

Fedsas is a voluntary association of 11 000 school governing bodies of public schools.


Monday, October 12, 2009

I Want a Bunny Please Mom

James went away for the weekend with his friend Josh and they stayed on a farm, which of course is right up James' alley. On the farm they had a LOT of bunnies and the farmer very kindly told Josh and James they could each have a bunny for FREE!!!

Needless to say I must have had over 20 sms's and phone calls, pleading and begging for the bunny to come home - but I stood my ground and the answer was no. James did however take a lot of photo's to capture the moment.

[click on the image to view the photo's]
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Cheeseball the Mummy

Every year at school the kids in Grade 5 learn about Egypt and do a project where they have to build a pyramid during their technology lessons.

When they are done they get to dress up (anything Egyptian) and present their projects to the school and the parents. James and Ingrid created this mummy costume from rags lying around and James was so pleased when he won the best dressed boy in his class. Tried to get him to share his chocolate he won with Ingrid, but that was eaten before we even got to see what it was.

[click on the picture to see the full images]

James turns 11 AGAIN

Finally we managed to agree on a date of have James's party, so Saturday night it was, we cleared out the TV room of all the furniture and hired a disco ball, lights, loaded the Ipod and let the kids run riot.

They all seemed to have a ball, many of them landed up on the trampoline, others in the pool and a good mix of them dancing.

Needless to say the parents also had their own party, but that one went on way longer than the 9pm deadline for all the friends.

Pineapple Wonder

I am still trying to get Rob to update this blog with his travels overseas, but he just does not seem to find the time.

Anyways, amongst the other many presents he bought home for us all, he got a pineapple 'thingie' ???

You Take a pineapple
Cut off the top

Take you pineapple 'thingie'Place it ontop of the cut pineapple and twist and turn it around.

Seconds later you have the perfect pineapple rings and a really cool container to serve some exotic drink in.

Nifty hey - now we just need Summer to arrive.

James's Party

Pictures of some of the kids that landed up in the pool.

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