Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wynberg Boys' High School

Our Wynberg Men (James 1st day - he had not yet earned his blazer)

Chris starting Grade 8 at Bergvliet High School
James 1st day at Sweet Valley [they grow up so fast!]

Well this is the start of a new era for us, both the boys are now in High School. Chris Grade 11 and James Grade 8.

What an amazing journey it is to enter the Wynberg Family as a new parent, even although we have been there for 2 years, we missed Grade 8 at Wynberg with Chris who only started in Grade 9, so we are experiencing for the 1st time all the traditions the grade 8's go through, from the Blazer Ceremony to the school camp and hike.

Below are pictures of the Grade 8 Blazer ceremony. The Grade 8's all come to school without their blazers and for the first 2 weeks of school undergo and induction program about the school [refer the headmaster's blogsite ] after their 2 weeks, they right a test and have then earned their blazers and become a Wynberg Man and part of the Wynberg family of "brothers in an endless chain". Such a special moment and as you can see James is AS ALWAYS smiling.

James has taken to High School like this is what he was born to do. He ABSOLUTELY loves it and every evening I get loads of stories of what happened during the day (although this could just be a delay tactic for going to bed).

So far he has made the U14A waterpolo team, joined the steel band, signed up to help backstage at the schools major production and we are only in the 3rd week of the 1st term. He has made so many new friends as well.

Long may it last, but honestly what an amazing school, the teachers and the headmaster are unbelievable and the parent community involvement is right up my alley. Needless to say that me with my big mouth has already been roped into helping out, but I love it and could do it all day.