Monday, February 8, 2010


We have the most beautiful little puppy Scamp, that if anyone is keen, she is looking for a home [just kidding].

When we got her (rescued from a farmer who wanted to drown her), we were told she was a border collie, well she has a border collie face, but the hind quarters . . . hmmmm I don't know.

So far she has managed to destroy my flat iron, 2 cell phone chargers, 2 pairs of shoes, a belt, numerous pens and pencils and a couple of my swimming toys.

That on top of the craters she is excavating in our garden . . . [ view the evidence below]

Our biggest problem with her is she still fits through the damn cat flap, which means when I feed her at night with the other dogs OUTSIDE, she runs around playing with them for about half an hour and then barrels herself through the catflap and sleeps in James's room.

Although saying that, there are not many days left as she is getting too big to fit through anymore. As for her breed, who knows, she has ears that are too big for her head and her back legs look like a township dog (or KD as we call them here). Generally however her nature is pretty sweet though - and she is a fast learner, I mean its only taken about 10 swipes from all the cats for her to realise that she is better off harassing the other dogs than the cats.

New School = happy child

[ Chris, Hylton and Sean]

Chris has settled in so extremely well to his new school, its almost too good to be true.

The other day he came home and told me he went to the library before waterpolo. That was the point where I nearly feinted, I didn't think Chris even knew what the library was, let alone set foot in one.

His life is extremely hectic most days getting home from school after 6pm, bearing in mind we leave for school at 07h10 every morning. But he is loving it and asks to wait at school, even though he could come home earlier, he chooses to stay.

He has jumped into the sport and school work boots and all, he has made the B team for waterpolo and was elected as the captain. He also plays as a reserve for the A Team.

They have also started rugby fitness so twice a week its waterpolo practice, twice a week rugby fitness and every Tuesday morning at 06h30 swimming training - all this leaves no time for TV, so that is really great.

On top of all that its matches on a Friday / Saturday.

The school itself is really great, they send out a weekly newsletter which outlines the entire program for the upcoming week, including the test dates and EXACTLY what the test is about. They also provide the boys with diaries at the beginning of the year which also has all these items outlined in it, along with the test dates and subjects.

Chris has also made the most amazing friends at school and they also have the most amazing set of moms that network so well with each other and a lot of them are single moms as well. It is so nice to have a support system at the school, within the first week of being there.
I really hope this is a sign of things to come for the rest of his high school career, as he seem so happy.