Poor old Jess, came into the bathroom and politely threw up her dinner all over the floor, now that has happened occasionally before, but that night she continued to get sick all night. She hid under Chris's bed and called out in pain all through the night - needless to say I didn't get much sleep as I kept getting up to check on her.
Took her to the vet the following morning and he said she must have eaten something that got stuck in her throat, so after various jabs I took her home again, and asked Gran if she would keep an eye over her.
Well needless to say, Jess was given a seat of honour on the couch and food and drinks provided, but sadly for over 2 days and nights, she quite literally did not move, she was so weak she could not even lift her head off the couch, nor support her own body weight whilst lying there.
Gran was the head nurse and every couple of hours gave her water with a t-spoon so she didn't de-hydrate.
Thank goodness yesterday she managed to perk up slightly and is now back to 100%.
Took her to the vet the following morning and he said she must have eaten something that got stuck in her throat, so after various jabs I took her home again, and asked Gran if she would keep an eye over her.
Well needless to say, Jess was given a seat of honour on the couch and food and drinks provided, but sadly for over 2 days and nights, she quite literally did not move, she was so weak she could not even lift her head off the couch, nor support her own body weight whilst lying there.
Gran was the head nurse and every couple of hours gave her water with a t-spoon so she didn't de-hydrate.
Thank goodness yesterday she managed to perk up slightly and is now back to 100%.