Monday, October 19, 2009
Boys will Be Boys
To our horror James and her son Warick had positioned the trampoline in front of the pool room doors and taken matress and themselves up onto the roof and created their own jumping game.
All the while videoing each other whilst doing it.
Have a look at this. . . Much as I was horrified, I had a good chuckle at the vidoes. I have only loaded the one, but trust me there were plenty of variations.
The one was shot with Warick under the trampoline and James jumping down on top of him - GOLDEN RULE BROKEN - no one under the trampoline.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Photo Shoot
It was so cool, Ingrid won a competition and we all went for a photo shoot at the New Age Portrait studios.
Although the shoot was for free, we spent lots of money afterwards buying photo's the worst culprit was Rob, I told him I was getting him one for his birthday, well R2500 + later when he said am I paying - the answer was very clearly NOT!!
But we all had a ball - something I can highly recommend. The cost of the shoot itself is only R200, its buying the photo's later which is where the costs come in.
It was Morten's idea to wear the jeans and white t-shirts - as he said, these are classic and we won't grow tired of them.
visit their website on and book yourself a session, its really worthwhile.
This is a stunning one of the boys in standard poses, Chris with undies sticking out and James with pants that are too long for him.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Money Used On Cars - Not Kids
This kind of thing drives me completely 'dilley' How is it we allow these people get away with this - as a general public we are completely powerless, unless we start 'toy toying' like some of our country folk do - at least it makes the news then and doesn't just get swept under the carpet.
But as usual us tax payers just bend over and let them shove another one to us . . .
'Money used on cars, not kids'
Chief executive officer of Fedsas, Paul Colditz, said the body might consider going to court to ensure that the Free State education department made enough immediate transport available to pupils.
Colditz said new reports indicating that thousands of pupils near Bloemfontein would be left without school transport by the end of the month was nothing new.
"This is not a new problem. Fedsas has repeatedly sent media releases to bring this problem to the public's attention and similar transport problems affect almost the entire Free State."
Kids not in school for months
Colditz said there were children who had not been to school for months because they could not get there.
"At Oranjekrag in the Eastern Free State more than 90 learners have not been to school due to the provincial education department's decision to cancel transport routes or by not awarding transport tenders," he said in a statement.
Colditz said the body's national board had decided that the transport situation in the province could not continue as it was.
He said the board unanimously condemned the provincial education department's unilateral handling of this issue.
R11m for luxury cars
Colditz said Fedsas in the past voiced its disgust with the fact that the Free State's provincial government was prepared to spend some R11m on luxury vehicles for MECs, but primary school pupils had to walk vast distances to their schools.
The governing body said children had a constitutional right to basic education, but they could not lay claim to this right due to ill-considered decision by adults.
Colditz said Fedsas had already asked for answers from the Free State education department with the view of "testing it through the courts".
A spokesperson for the provincial education department, Solly Magalefa, confirmed that transport routes would be terminated by the end of the month.
Fedsas is a voluntary association of 11 000 school governing bodies of public schools.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Want a Bunny Please Mom
Needless to say I must have had over 20 sms's and phone calls, pleading and begging for the bunny to come home - but I stood my ground and the answer was no. James did however take a lot of photo's to capture the moment.
[click on the image to view the photo's]
Cheeseball the Mummy
When they are done they get to dress up (anything Egyptian) and present their projects to the school and the parents. James and Ingrid created this mummy costume from rags lying around and James was so pleased when he won the best dressed boy in his class. Tried to get him to share his chocolate he won with Ingrid, but that was eaten before we even got to see what it was.
[click on the picture to see the full images]
James turns 11 AGAIN
They all seemed to have a ball, many of them landed up on the trampoline, others in the pool and a good mix of them dancing.
Needless to say the parents also had their own party, but that one went on way longer than the 9pm deadline for all the friends.
Pineapple Wonder
Anyways, amongst the other many presents he bought home for us all, he got a pineapple 'thingie' ???
Cut off the top
Take you pineapple 'thingie'Place it ontop of the cut pineapple and twist and turn it around.
Nifty hey - now we just need Summer to arrive.