These last 2 weeks have been incredibly busy, Rob is away in Dubai and Bangladesh for 2 weeks, so I have been running around like a lunatic trying to get everything done.
Last night for example I was supposed to attend 3 meetings, first at 5pm (Chris to extra maths) 6pm - school meeting (Chris going on tour), 7pm neighbourhood watch meeting.
Well we only got to the first meeting, I managed to trip and have damaged my tendons in my foot. I was walking around the carpark that was extremely uneven, in high heels. I still went back to the car to check if I had flat shoes to change into, as I thought to myself, 'this is a disaster waiting to happen' and wouldn't you believe it, over I went. Had to phone Ingrid and Morten to come rescue me and drive my car back home. When I fell, I just felt myself go white and dizzy and thought here I go, I am going to faint. Fortunately I didn't. Thank goodness for friends and family. Frances took the kids to school for me and my mom is doing my shopping for bread and milk etc. James has also been wonderful, fussing over me like a mother hen, nothing has been too much trouble for him, from making Granny tea to fetching and carrying all my things.
On top of all this, poor gran is not feeling well. Hopefully she is not getting the same flu Jonty had when she was overseas. We are keeping her ploughed with Corenza C and will take her to the doctor if she's not better later.
This weekend, Rob was not here, so it was fun trying to split myself in 2 to get the boys to rugby matches. Fortunately my mom helped me by taking James to his rugby and Chris and I then raced through after his match just in time to see the start of James's match. James was playing for about 15 minutes when he had a good run with the ball, but was then tackled . When he fell, he did it in such a way that he bent his fingers back so came off the field and had a big plaster covering 3 fingers put on (which of course he loved)
With Rob away we spent most of the weekend doing projects and preparing for orals. We did go to Cavendish for the afternoon, as Chris wanted to buy new jeans and was trying very hard to convince me that he should get some skinny jeans -DEFINITELY NOT!!
Here's James cooking his Bobotie (recipe supplied by Grandpa)