Jeez, living with a teenager and a double digit kid (10yrs) is challenging some days. Today James my darling youngest child helped me plant up some planters for Gran and did a beautiful job of it. He then obviously decided that gardening was the thing to do for the afternoon, so when his friends Liam and Ethan arrived, the all got stuck in. Lindi and I were sitting on the patio and the kids kept walking past us with bricks and other things and when I asked James 'what are your doing?' he innocently replied 'carrying bricks' DUHHHH!!!!
Now one of my all time favourite plants/flowers is a Jasmine, but to date I have had zero luck trying to grow one (and believe me I have tried many times). I clearly remember one outside our TV room growing up and loved it, so last week Frances and I bought one whilst at the flee market and I planted it at about 3pm this afternoon and yes you can see what's coming, at about 3.05 is when James decided to make his own garden and of course vrooops there went my Jasmine, into his little garden. So I could do one of 2 things, freak out, or take a photo, guess which one I did. My take on it is I could spend R30 taking him to the moving, plus R30 for me and then another R30 for Chris, OR he can use my R25 plant and have an entire afternoons fun in the garden. The answer was a bit of a no brainer actually and with a smile like his, what could I say?
Please note the lovely garden with its Clivia, Rosmary Bush, Jasmine bush and banana tree (compliments of Frances' father's garden) and especially the little bench and fencing around the garden. They even took the time to dig out the newly laid lawn and relocate it to their garden.
During all this, Chris had disappeared for about and hour and I thought he was just watching TV/listening to music (he was definately not interesting in helping us garden). When I went to check on him I found him fast asleep on his bed, earphones protruding from his ears. When he woke up, there was one times very grumpy teenager shuffling around. He hates it when I call him grumpy and says I am just irritating him. Had to threaten to remove his phone tonight if I found him back on mxit or whatever else he's on. So one of them calls me irritating and then James who asked me to push him around in the driveway on gran's trolley also told me I am a 'bad driver' and that I drive tooooo fast, ha! nothing a couple of tickles and threats of walking to school couldn't cure.
The 3 stooges then decided they would make popcorn which they did and then sat on the trampoline and ate it, along with Kelly who was eating all the bits that fell on the floor.
Lordy Lordy Lord and we are not even 1 month into this teenage thing yet! Just kidding, we have great kids and they are behaving as I suppose any other teenager and younger brother do.