so after a wonderful holiday we are back home and the washing machine is going madly, emails downloading and kids in front of tv.
Yesterday was my parents 44th wedding anniversary - can't believe it, a tough act to follow - CONGRATULATIONS MOM AND DAD.
We finally got home from J-Bay at about 18h15 last night and were them promptly invited out to dinner which was lovely. Lynn I have just realised though has deleted the photo I took of her kissing her frog "prince charming" - but not to worry, this year might be coming to an end, but certainly not my camera battery.

The camera has also been going non stop capturing cute little Tigger and co. today we had to get Capstar and flea thingies to get rid of the fleas on the animals only R450 later, but at least they have all stopped scratching for now . . . The cats were beside themselves last night, needless to say we did not get a lot of sleep as they were all all over the bed last night. Mickey trying to wake a dead to the world Rob up so that he could climb under the covers, Jess at our feet and Tigger around Rob's head. This evening little Tigger climbed into Rob's arms as he was asleep on the bed and passed out, front paws splayed across his arms. We tried to get him to eat some solids today for the 1st time, but he was not interested - Jess on the other hand nearly did her nut trying to get to the food.
Poor old Mickey is really missing Gran, I happened to take some post into her flat and Mickey shot in and jumped up on the ottoman and started rolling around and purring like a crazy thing - obviously hoping Gran would magically appear.
Can't believe another year is almost done, tomorrow night we are off to a end of year party - can't remember when last we had one of those, so hopefully that should be good.
James was lucky enough to go for a ride in a Porsche Cayman with Lynn today - ask no questions and we will tell you no lies. Chris managed to sit in it last night.

Chris on the other hand spent the day with Gill, whilst I had to go shopping YUK YUK YUK!!!! As luck would have it, when I got to the till to pay for my loaded trolley, my debit card would not work, and that took me about 45 minutes to get sorted out with the bank - I am sure the women at the till thought I probably didn't have the money and was not going to come back when i said I would go and draw the money and took forever to get back to her.
Rob on the other hand is having a fight with Ford who have tried to wrangle / fiddle(or for us South African's reading this 'smokel' ) something to do with the maintenance plan on the Focus, but being this time of year, he is not having much success getting answers so we will have to wait for the new year.
Right going to bed now on this very last Tuesday of 2008 and will probably need to get a Red Bull to keep awake for tomorrow night.